Thursday, April 30, 2009

Random Ramblings

As the end of the semester draws near, the thought that I will not be returning to Georgia Southern for 15 months looms ahead of me. I have begun to appreciate this campus and its inhabitants more and more, and then less and less as they begin to get irritable as finals come around. But I still love them, and I will certainly miss this campus more than I could ever describe.

We had another meeting with Dr. Shumaker last night to go over some more details for our trip, and I can only say that with every meeting I become more and more excited. As I am in charge of finding our flights, I feel that I am actually a crucial part of this experience, and that has made it all the more enchanting. We are discussing leaving a few weeks - yes, weeks - early in order to get to the school and get settled in and explore a little before our classes - and before the dreaded placement exams. I can't say that I'm not nervous about those exams, but I'm sure I will do fine. Other than that, we have been talking about money, what to bring, normal questions like that, so there is definitely a lot to think about. It is all exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time, but I absolutely love the feeling.

For many months now I have been reading any book I am get my hands on that has anything to do with Chinese politics, history, or culture. As I learn more about the country, I have begun to have a profound respect for its people and its government. The idea that I am going to be immersed into a culture so vastly different from my own is one that honestly scares me, but I believe that as I go, I will learn many things about myself. Already I have begun to realize how independent I actually am, which is something that I've never really thought about before. I've learned that I am doing better with the language than I thought - I begin to recognize characters at a much faster pace these days. That doesn't mean I don't have my off days: for example, the other day I could not recognize a phrase that I know very well. I've learned that lack of sleep deeply inhibits by ability to speak Mandarin Chinese.

So those are the thoughts right now. Also, a note regarding this blog: I would deeply love for anybody to ask any questions they have. About the Chinese language, about my trip, about anything they would like. I would love to have an interactive blog and be able to learn along with you as I travel. So ask questions if you have them!

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