Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I guess I should start out with the basics. My name is Christine Dalton and I am currently a sophomore at Georgia Southern University (I will be a junior when my trip begins). I am a Political Science major with a minor in Chinese Language, and I hope to someday work within the State Department or in diplomatic work with China.

The International Studies department wants me to start blogging now, I guess in order to record my thoughts and anxieties about my study abroad. I can understand the wish to see those as well as my trip - preparing myself for this hasn't been the easiest job. Three semesters of Chinese language courses and countless books on the history, culture, and politics of the country have led up to this: an entire academic year's study in Wuhan, China. I will be attending 华中师范大学, or Central China Normal University. It is an incredible opportunity that I have been waiting for my entire life, but I can't say that I'm not a little apprehensive. The culture is so vastly different from my own, and that is going to be a major shock when I step off the plane.

Speaking of planes, that's another thing - that plane ride is going to be NO FUN. NO FUN AT ALL. Haha, I can only be thankful that I will be traveling with 5 friends, 4 of which I have spent the last year learning the Chinese language with. Shout outs to Ryan, Grant, Jimond, Tessa, and Kenneth, my China buddies: it's going to be a great year!

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